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Something you can say, though, is that there was no need to keep the PC community waiting three long years for a conversion. A conversion too that now appears dull and ageing, and what's more can only be run on a Vista platform bereft of anything else worth playing apart from Geometry Wars.

That is, at least until the advent of DX10 and the whine of a million gamers opening their wallets and pouring coins into the cavernous maw of Bill Gates. The bare bones of Halo 2 are great - its shooty, hidey gameplay, amusing physics and some genuinely excellent set-pieces notably jumping onboard the giant spider mech in an otherwise barren attack on Earth still get the adrenalin pumping.

But due to the 'OMG - online multiplayer on Xbox! This is the future! The dull, obtuse and nonsensical storyline the low point of which is a Flood hive mind ripped straight from Little Shop Of Horrors , the sudden ending, the cop-out that was the Earth invasion, the crap bits where you play as an alien Arbiter, the endless retread of gameplay already done to death in the original All getting in the way of action you can't help but feel affection for despite it all.

Multiplayer is what sealed the deal with the living-room format, and all the old arenas and downloadable content resurface here -ready, willing and able for you to strap yourself into MS's bulky LIVE system and an undeniably giggle-packed game, despite a marked variation in quality as you pass between the 23 maps. The two new maps on offer Uplift and District are pretty intense - but, I'm sorry, if there are redeeming features in that one with the giant turbine that every bugger plays, then I've yet to find them.

As for the persistent lack of co-op play on PC, well, that's just as unforgivable as it was last time around. Oh, and the menu systems pissed me off too - MS still seem convinced that everyone will be playing with one of their pads, and to get my mouse inverted yes, I know , I had to traverse seven screens, which may not sound like much, but felt like I was ascending Kilimanjaro.

As for the graphics, well, I can't deny they're far crisper and cleaner than the Xbox version you can increase the resolution and everything , but that doesn't stop them looking dated. I've always really liked the character models of the Halo menagerie, but even so, everything seems flat and lifeless compared to the efforts of every other shooter on the market.

What a kicking. Despite all this, though, what Halo boils down to - the same 30 seconds of decent action, repeated ad infinitum - is, while sometimes too repetitive, still great fun. Interiors are drab and lifeless, exteriors are often starkly beautiful; you shoot you jump, you hide, you win, you lose, you die, you laugh, you live once more. The Halo template is not broken - but shell out cash for this and your spirits sure will be.

You'll have fun, it'll make you smile, I won't deny it. But three years on, the Halo 2 Vista experience is as forgettable as it is tardy and somewhat depressing. Ask any kid what he or she! Blame Halo for inspiring a new generation of glorified pest exterminators. The game that sold a few million Xboxes is still the best first-person shooter you can play from the comfort of your La-Z-Boy, and its even better with a few or a dozen like-minded wannabe-space-marine friends.

Dead-on controls, an epic story, and deviously smart enemies well, smart for alien bugs at least are just a small part of Halo's greatness. Ultimate moment: The Silent Cartographer level has to be one of our favorites in any game, ever.

It kicks off with a Normandy-like beach invasion, followed by general tear-assing around in a Warthog jeep with your rowdy marine pals, and then its a great mix of indoor and outdoor action, culminating in a showdown with a one-hit-and-youre-dead blade-wielding alien. But for the expert snipers out there, beating Halo on the Legendary difficulty setting is the ultimate bragging right.

This follow-up to the hit sci-fi first-person shooter is by far the most important game in the history of Xbox, and Microsoft and developer Bungie know it. So it's no surprise that everyone involved wants to take the time to get it right. One concern: Microsoft claims Halo 2 will be out early next year, but Bungie will only say Both parties even tried to convince us they never "officially announced" the date they did, and we have the press releases to prove it.

But lest we forget, Bungie delivered the first Halo under the unbreakable deadline of the Xbox system launch. And we hear that game turned out pretty good. Jones' response brings us right to the bright news: The Bungie team is spending those 13 months doting so feverishly on every piece of the Halo 2 puzzle-- from the intricacies of its galaxy-spanning story right down to the textured knitting on each space marine's T-shirt--that this sequel will surely wallop its predecessor in every way.

This ain't Halo 1. Bungie says that the pseudo-sequel was pure make-believe and "wishful thinking" on the part of eager-beaver journalists. Halo 2 will pack twice as many vehicles, including troop carriers and more flying machines. It will feature destructible environments and missions set in low gravity. It will deliver full-blown online battles between an army of armor-suited Master Chiefs and alien Elites.

It's sequel with so much more of Jones ceases concentration on the design process for a sec and tries: "I think the game is gonna be And wrapped in bacon. The Bungie guys call it a "shield ship. Squads of space marines march from the main hatch and prep for an alien assault the instant the ship touches down.

A few troopers hop on the back of all-terrain four-wheelers--one of Halo 2's many new vehicles --and zip up a hillside. These guys are snipers, and when they reach the hilltop they dismount and take up positions. Then everything happens at once. Enemy Grunts, Jackals and Elites--the various races of the troublemaking alien alliance known as the Covenant--pour from their bunker and begin blasting at the marines.

Some marines dash headlong into the fight. Others cover their compadres from behind trees and rocks. Explosions erupt. Glowing volleys from rapid-fire energy weapons criss-cross the terrain. The snipers on the hillsides take beads on targets.

Everyone works together. It's like a bona-fide military attack force. Don't worry--he'll show up eventually, once the level is fully designed. But anyone who's played the original game's Silent Cartographer beach battle think Saving Private Ryan with rayguns and supersonic troop characters knows that the battleground we just described is Master Chief's ultimate playground. And it's the kind of big-scale, teamwork-oriented commotion that Bungie plans to evolve for Halo 2's single-player experience.

And now I'm not talking about ordering your squad around or anything like that, but you're going to be fighting alongside marines and against organized aliens a lot more than in Halo 2. The shield-ship skirmish we just watched is actually a Bungie test level that'll wind up highly modified in the final Halo 2 product.

We dunno where the battle fits into Halo 2's overall plot. And even if we did, we wouldn't tell you. Why spoil the story of a game that's still more than a year away? But if you've seen Halo 2's wowie-zowie teaser trailer and if you haven't, go to www.

That's where Halo 2 kicks off, although the trailer isn't the game's opening cinema. A brief period has passed since Halo i's finale, in which we saw Master Chief obliterate the enigmatic Halo ring-world. He had just crushed a Covenant force and an army of mushball space mutants known as The Flood. Now he's returned to Earth with Cortana--the chatty female A. The Covenant have wiped out every last human-colony world. Earth is all that's left. Master Chief and Cortana's mission is clear: Hightail it planetside to back up Earth's forces and repel the alien blitz.

Sounds like more than enough mission for one game, right? Well, that ain't the half of it. So far, we've seen concepts for a level set in a hydroponic plant; on an orbiting space outpost; and on a mining station floating in the upper wisps of a gas giant, where hurricane-force gales make it tough just to walk, let alone massacre Covenant bad guys. One mission's set on a moon we're not sure if it's Earth's or another world's , complete with weak gravity that drops the game's hyper-realistic physics into slow-mo.

We watched Master Chief leap three times his height to reach a secret door to the Covenant's moon base. The kick from his rifle even slowed his descent when he fired downward while falling.

Bungie is working on moon-buggy-style vehicles, which'll take stratospheric jumps in the low lunar gravity. And just think of all the low-G tricks you'll be able to try in multiplayer But we'll get to network play later. At some point in Halo 2, the Covenant's assault on our home planet comes to a close. Just don't expect the end-game credits to roll when it happens.

Instead, Master Chief and Cortana will zip deep into the heart of Covenant territory, attacking the source of the enemy's power. The climactic battle that follows will bring a measure of closure to the Halo saga, something that was missing from the first game.

Ultimately, humanity was in the same place as when the game started. We do know Halo 2 will reveal a lot more about the aliens and the motives behind their intergalactic assault and battery on humanity. Jones says, "or they just came across as the stupid cliche of an alien race that ruthlessly attacks mankind. Nobody knew about their social structure or anything, but I had hoped people would give us credit and realize there's more to the Covenant than what we showed.

We're really expanding on them in Halo 2. There's a whole bunch of the story we still have left to tell, and that's going to be a lot of fun. Some revelations will even come from the original Halo--at least once the sequel shows you what to look for. He's referring to the first game's mysterious little details, such as the scattered symbols on Halo and the funky history lessons from Guilty Spark. Chat with Jason Jones about sequels--any kind of sequels, even the movie variety--and he'll tell you exactly how not to do them.

And that's what you don't want to do. Likewise, we don't want to make a different game. Why eliminate the reasons people played our first game? That's why Bungie isn't fiddling with Halo's fundamentals. Master Chief can still carry only two weapons at a time.

He still possesses superhuman strength. He still has a rechargeable force-field shield and flashlight. His armor has been upgraded this time around, but he's still pretty much the same green guy from the first game.

But we'll definitely give him augmentations. He'll have some tools. Bungie didn't clue us in on what those "tools" might be yet, but we did glimpse a few of Chief's enhanced skills see page for a complete rundown.

He's can now peer around corners and lean forward over ledges to check out a scene before he dives into it. He won't be able to shoot or lob grenades, but the enemy A. The Chief's melee attack is beefed-up, too. Time your button presses right and he'll string together a combo of up to three skull-crunching smacks with his gun. But the Bungie guys are saving most of their tweaks for the Master Chief's alien enemies and marine allies. I will guarantee about your satisfaction. Random Post.

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